如何使用巨集撰寫型別類別 `derived` 方法
在 derivation 主要文件頁面中,我們說明了 `Mirror` 和型別類別推導背後的詳細資訊。在這裡,我們示範如何僅使用巨集實作型別類別 `derived` 方法。我們遵循推導 `Eq` 執行個體的範例,並且為了簡化,我們支援 `Product` 型別,例如案例類別 `Person`。我們將用於實作 `derived` 方法的底層技術利用引號、表達式和型別的拼接,以及 `scala.quoted.Expr.summon` 方法,這等同於 `scala.compiletime.summonFrom`。前者適用於在巨集中使用的引號脈絡中。
trait Eq[T]:
def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean
我們需要在 `Eq` 的伴隨物件上實作內嵌方法 `Eq.derived`,它呼叫巨集以產生 `Eq[T]` 的引號執行個體。以下是可能的簽章
inline def derived[T]: Eq[T] = ${ derivedMacro[T] }
def derivedMacro[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[T]] = ???
請注意,由於型別用於後續巨集編譯階段,因此需要使用對應的脈絡繫結(在 `derivedMacro` 中看到)將其提升到 `quoted.Type`。
為了比較,以下是 主要推導頁面 中內嵌 `derived` 方法的簽章
inline def derived[T](using m: Mirror.Of[T]): Eq[T] = ???
請注意,基於巨集的 derived
簽章沒有 Mirror
參數。這是因為我們可以在 derivedMacro
的主體內呼叫 Mirror
與 inline
相比,這裡 derivedMacro
主體的另一個可能性是,使用巨集可以更輕鬆地為 eqv
假設我們想為以下案例類別 Person
衍生一個 Eq
case class Person(name: String, age: Int) derives Eq
(x: Person, y: Person) =>
summon[Eq[String]].eqv(x.productElement(0), y.productElement(0))
&& summon[Eq[Int]].eqv(x.productElement(1), y.productElement(1))
請注意,透過使用 反射 API,可以進一步最佳化並直接參照
產生此主體的程式碼可以在 eqProductBody
函式中看到,這裡顯示為 derivedMacro
def derivedMacro[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[T]] =
val ev: Expr[Mirror.Of[T]] = Expr.summon[Mirror.Of[T]].get
ev match
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[T] { type MirroredElemTypes = elementTypes }} =>
val elemInstances = summonInstances[T, elementTypes]
def eqProductBody(x: Expr[Product], y: Expr[Product])(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean] = {
if elemInstances.isEmpty then
elemInstances.zipWithIndex.map {
case ('{ $elem: Eq[t] }, index) =>
val indexExpr = Expr(index)
val e1 = '{ $x.productElement($indexExpr).asInstanceOf[t] }
val e2 = '{ $y.productElement($indexExpr).asInstanceOf[t] }
'{ $elem.eqv($e1, $e2) }
}.reduce((acc, elem) => '{ $acc && $elem })
end if
'{ eqProduct((x: T, y: T) => ${eqProductBody('x.asExprOf[Product], 'y.asExprOf[Product])}) }
// case for Mirror.SumOf[T] ...
請注意,在沒有巨集的版本中,我們只能在內聯函式內撰寫 summonInstances[T, m.MirroredElemTypes]
,但這裡,由於需要 Expr.summon
summonInstances[T, $m.MirroredElemTypes]
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[T] { type MirroredElemTypes = elementTypes }} => ...
以下顯示 summonInstances
作為巨集的實作,它會針對元組類型中的每個類型 elem
,呼叫 deriveOrSummon[T, elem]
要了解 deriveOrSummon
,請考慮如果 elem
衍生自父類型 T
,則它是遞迴衍生。遞迴衍生通常發生在 scala.collection.immutable.::
等類型。如果 elem
沒有衍生自 T
,則必須存在一個情境 Eq[elem]
def summonInstances[T: Type, Elems: Type](using Quotes): List[Expr[Eq[?]]] =
Type.of[Elems] match
case '[elem *: elems] => deriveOrSummon[T, elem] :: summonInstances[T, elems]
case '[EmptyTuple] => Nil
def deriveOrSummon[T: Type, Elem: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[Elem]] =
Type.of[Elem] match
case '[T] => deriveRec[T, Elem]
case _ => '{ summonInline[Eq[Elem]] }
def deriveRec[T: Type, Elem: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[Elem]] =
Type.of[T] match
case '[Elem] => '{ error("infinite recursive derivation") }
case _ => derivedMacro[Elem] // recursive derivation
import compiletime.*
import scala.deriving.*
import scala.quoted.*
trait Eq[T]:
def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean
object Eq:
given Eq[String] with
def eqv(x: String, y: String) = x == y
given Eq[Int] with
def eqv(x: Int, y: Int) = x == y
def eqProduct[T](body: (T, T) => Boolean): Eq[T] =
new Eq[T]:
def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = body(x, y)
def eqSum[T](body: (T, T) => Boolean): Eq[T] =
new Eq[T]:
def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = body(x, y)
def summonInstances[T: Type, Elems: Type](using Quotes): List[Expr[Eq[?]]] =
Type.of[Elems] match
case '[elem *: elems] => deriveOrSummon[T, elem] :: summonInstances[T, elems]
case '[EmptyTuple] => Nil
def deriveOrSummon[T: Type, Elem: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[Elem]] =
Type.of[Elem] match
case '[T] => deriveRec[T, Elem]
case _ => '{ summonInline[Eq[Elem]] }
def deriveRec[T: Type, Elem: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[Elem]] =
Type.of[T] match
case '[Elem] => '{ error("infinite recursive derivation") }
case _ => derivedMacro[Elem] // recursive derivation
inline def derived[T]: Eq[T] = ${ derivedMacro[T] }
def derivedMacro[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Eq[T]] =
val ev: Expr[Mirror.Of[T]] = Expr.summon[Mirror.Of[T]].get
ev match
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[T] { type MirroredElemTypes = elementTypes }} =>
val elemInstances = summonInstances[T, elementTypes]
def eqProductBody(x: Expr[Product], y: Expr[Product])(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean] = {
if elemInstances.isEmpty then
elemInstances.zipWithIndex.map {
case ('{ $elem: Eq[t] }, index) =>
val indexExpr = Expr(index)
val e1 = '{ $x.productElement($indexExpr).asInstanceOf[t] }
val e2 = '{ $y.productElement($indexExpr).asInstanceOf[t] }
'{ $elem.eqv($e1, $e2) }
}.reduce((acc, elem) => '{ $acc && $elem })
end if
'{ eqProduct((x: T, y: T) => ${eqProductBody('x.asExprOf[Product], 'y.asExprOf[Product])}) }
case '{ $m: Mirror.SumOf[T] { type MirroredElemTypes = elementTypes }} =>
val elemInstances = summonInstances[T, elementTypes]
val elements = Expr.ofList(elemInstances)
def eqSumBody(x: Expr[T], y: Expr[T])(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean] =
val ordx = '{ $m.ordinal($x) }
val ordy = '{ $m.ordinal($y) }
'{ $ordx == $ordy && $elements($ordx).asInstanceOf[Eq[Any]].eqv($x, $y) }
'{ eqSum((x: T, y: T) => ${eqSumBody('x, 'y)}) }
end derivedMacro
end Eq